Home > Artworks > Jesús Fernández Escobar

Photo of Jesús Fernández Escobar Spain

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Born in La Puerta de Segura (Jaén) in 1988. During my childhood I\'m starting to show signs of my creativity and interest in art, repeatedly winning children\'s drawing and painting competitions.

In 2006 I start my studies in Industrial Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. These studies combine it with what by then it was just a hobby, painting.

In 2011, finished the race, move my residence to Granada to...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2020, Líderes. Proyecto colectivo. Barrio de Torreblanca (Sevilla).
  • 2020, En Torno a la Utopía y otras Realidades. Colectiva. Fundación Fernando Villalón. Morón de la Frontera.
  • 2020, Vandelvira en Úbeda. Colectiva. Hospital de Santiago. Úbeda.
  • 2020, Individual. Exposición inaugural de la Galería Arte Mejor. Barcelona.
  • 2019, La Modelo y Los Artistas. Colectiva. Hospital de Santiago. Úbeda.
  • 2018, Colectiva. Especial Navidad. Galería Art Cuestion. Madrid.
  • 2018, "LÍNEA". Ciclo de arte Olea. Espacio de Arte Azur. (Jaén)
  • 2017, “Encontrando lo bello“
  • 2017, Obra admitida para Art Fair Malaga '17
  • 2016, Exposoción colectiva internacional “Adunanza“ Mad Gallery Milán (Italia
  • 2015, Aguadas. Exposición de acuarelas en el Castillo de Segura de la Sierra.
  • 2015, Exposición XXIX Premio de Pintura “Emilio Ollero” 2015. Obra: “Contrapicado I“
  • 2015, Exposición Premio Ibercaja de pintura joven 2015. Obra : “Cenital II“
  • 2015, I muestra Artelista Offline. Obra: “Carpa Naranja“
  • 2014, Exposición de pintores de la Sierra de Segura (Génave)
  • 2014, Exposición de pintores locales San Isidro (Puente de Génave)
  • 2014, Clásica
  • 2013, Exposición en Gloria Bendita (Jaén)
  • 2013, Exposición de pintores de la Sierra de Segura (Génave)
  • 2012, Exposición en Gloria Bendita (Jaén)
  • 2012, Bajo La Luz de Clara y cuadro en exposición permanente en Museo de Zafra
  • 2011, Trayectoria personal
  • 2010, Trayectoria personal

Awards received

  • 2017, Obra premiada en el “XII Certamen Internacional de Pintura Rápida Mercedes Fernández“
  • 2016, 2015, Finalista del XXIX Premio de Pintura “Emilio Ollero” 2015. Obra: Contrapicado IV
  • 2015, Finalista y participación en la exposición del XXIX Premio de Pintura “Emilio Ollero” 2015. Obra: Contrapicado I
  • 2015, Seleccionado en el Premio Ibercaja de Pintura Joven 2015
  • 2014, Primer premio concurso de pintura Fiestas Virgén del Carmen
  • 2012, 2º Premio de fotografia \"de, por, para las mujeres de la Sierra de Segura\"

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See everything we offer you!
31.50 x 47.24 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
15.75 x 15.75 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
63.78 x 76.77 in
47.24 x 31.50 in
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Born in La Puerta de Segura (Jaén) in 1988. During my childhood I\'m starting to show signs of my creativity and interest in art, repeatedly winning children\'s drawing and painting competitions.

In 2006 I start my studies in Industrial Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. These studies combine it with what by then it was just a hobby, painting.

In 2011, finished the race, move my residence to Granada to begin degree in Fine Arts at the University of Granada. After a change over town, in 2013 back to my hometown. Today painting has become my main work and economic activity with full dedication.

The evolution in the artistic subject has been very noticeable from the most realistic oil paintings to works only with each see more personal.
The introduction of typical elements of the linear technical drawing is increasingly present in my work.

The topics are varied every reason adapting to different techniques and worked formats. Small format gouaches in which I representations especially my closest environment. Acrylic and mixed media large format that can reach 2 meters in which you may notice more gestures of my strokes and strokes. It is in these works that more variety of topics can be found: urban landscapes, portraits, animals, classical sculpture, etc.

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